$175,000 CDC Grant for Emergency Stockpile
With less than two weeks before the deadline, Blood centers of America (“BCA,” a cooperative of over 60 community blood centers nationwide with deep local commitment to the communities they serve) approached Aaron for help preparing a grant proposal to the CDC. The grant, issued through the US Department of Heatlh and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Office of External Affairs is aimed at enhancing efforts to strengthen the nation’s healthcare and public health preparedness, response and recovery to disasters and other emergencies.
Aaron led the effort to craft a strong plan, and associated proposal, to study the feasibility of establishing a supply chain safety net for community blood centers in times of disaster, pandemics or public health emergencies. The objectives are to: 1) validate the challenges and recommendations outlined in the 2020 ACBTSA report, documenting lessons-learned from the industry during the Covid-19 pandemic and other natural disasters to identify gaps in the current supply chain; 2) develop a stronger understanding of: supply-side issues, requirements, and regulatory parameters that would impact a potential blood supply-stockpile; 3) outline the costs for a strategic stockpile of blood-donation supplies; and 4) draft a report presenting the findings of the feasibility study. The expected outcome is a viable plan for a supply chain safety net/stockpile to support community blood centers during public health emergencies and disasters. Aaron will also be helping to implement this study. Congrats to BCA!