Aaron assisted a small community theater in Rhode Island in winning a $75,000 grant from a local foundation. Funds will be used to expand the facility, enabling more artists to participate.
Aaron helped his Milwaukee Client to win another 2 wheelchair accessible vehicles through the Wisconsin 5310 (federally funded) program. These funds ($59,000) will enable the transport organization to serve more people with disabilities to access personalized, accessible...
Congratulations to the Bridge Fund of Massachusetts for winning a $30,000 grant from the Ludcke Foundation. The Bridge Fund provides critical financial aid to families that are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. They have successfully helped 90% of those who qualify for...
Aaron recently helped a New York City-based business win approval from a city agency to continue their workforce training program (transportation sector). Without this extension the business would have been forced to close – only about 36% of the applications were approved....
Aaron was the lead grant writer for a recently awarded grant, nearly $2 million (over 5 years), to develop a simulation-based credentialing program for maternal cardiac arrest for specialists and first responders. Abstract below: Non-standardized training when treating patients...
Aaron’s client, Women’s March LA, just won a $50,000 foundation grant to register marginalized voters in Los Angeles. While Aaron did not write this particular LOI, the Case Statement he designed and produced for the organization was used to help secure the funds....
The Vigo County (Indiana) Drug Court just received a notice of award of over $1 million to restart their program, thanks largely to Aaron’s help. With only a few weeks to craft a complex SAMHSA application, and with no executive director and very little institutional...
With Aaron’s help, a for-profit home health agency in New York City was just informed they won a workforce development contract valued at more than $363,000 to train up to 1,000 community health workers (CHW). This initiative will help meet the City’s growing need for...
A big THANK YOU to the Rhode Island Foundation for approving a $40,000 grant request from the Gary Balletto Foundation to build an adaptive gym at the Cranston YMCA. This will be the only gym of its kind dedicated to helping people living with spinal cord injuries and other forms...